The Resident Voice Index project: have your say
This spring, we invited social housing residents to answer questions anonymously about their overall experience of living in social housing. This was the first consultation of the long-term Resident Voice IndexTM project.
To kick off the first survey, we ran focus groups with social housing residents across the UK, working out the kind of topics that they want to be asked about and importantly, those that are not being spoken about right now. By having a say and helping to craft the surveys, you can actively help to shape how neighbourhoods across the UK move forward.
Why get involved?
The way that social housing works is changing. The publication by the government of the Charter for Social Housing Residents has made clear that residents need to be listened to and housing providers need to show that they will act upon their responses.
These changes are set to improve how housing providers interact with their residents; your voice will be more important than ever. The Resident Voice IndexTM project will cover a range of topics co-created with residents about what’s important, ranging from what you expect from your homes and housing providers, to what’s missing in your neighbourhoods.
Your voice matters and giving a few minutes to share your opinion can give the people planning improvements to services a real insight into where their efforts can be best placed.
How does the Resident Voice IndexTM project work?
The Resident Voice IndexTM project gathers responses from people living in social housing in the UK through a series of questionnaires, polls and surveys.
The results of the Resident Voice IndexTM project will be published throughout the year and be freely available and accessible to both residents and housing providers. We want policy makers, planners and housing providers to use the results to build a detailed picture that can help inform the way that social housing works in the future.
The project is completely independent, with no links to housing providers or formal resident structures. Because of this, we believe that our platform gives an ideal space for residents to express their views safely and freely.
All of the answers collected across this project will be anonymised, meaning that any information given will not have any links back to the person who gave it and will be held safely and securely.
We are so excited to have launched this project, and to share the results and get to know more residents along the way. If you have any questions or would like to offer a suggestion for themes and topics that you think landlords should know, please get in touch at You can also visit our FAQs here.