Invite by email

Use our email template, with suggested content to help summarise the theme of the survey to encourage your residents to take part:

Subject: Have your say: Furniture and Floor Coverings in Social Housing

Dear Resident,  

The Resident Voice Index™ has just launched its latest survey and we would love you to take part. As you know, the project seeks to collect information from social housing residents, like you, on what could be done to improve their homes, communities and the lives of residents. 

You will have taken part in previous surveys and for this, we thank you for your valued input. To date, we have gathered over 19,000 responses across the UK and the full reports and supporting assets from previous findings can be found on our website.     
Have your say: Furniture and Floor Coverings  

The subject of furniture and more specifically the provision and standard of floor covering across social housing is becoming a common topic in the news. Previous Resident Voice Index findings suggest that this has a significant financial impact on residents..  

In this survey, we want to understand your personal experience of furniture and floor coverings in your home. Good or bad, the survey seeks to explore your feelings towards this, how it affected you and what you think could be done to improve the situation.       

As usual, it’s completely anonymous and will never be traced back to you. The overall findings of the survey will be published on our website and also presented to housing providers and policy-makers so that they can make changes to help improve the lives of social housing residents.   
If you could find around 5 minutes to complete this survey we would be very grateful. 

You can find out more about the Resident Voice Index™ here.